Friday, September 12, 2008
Pleurodiaphragmatic Tentings Meaning
This is the blog of my trip to Ecuador of 18 August to September 12, 2008th Buckle up, put Inca Hat Heidi and guinea pigs ready.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Bse Post Closing Session Timing
is 14h to 16h driving my train to Munich (Zugbindung!). A colleague and co-author has just sent me his final notes for an article that I just must still submit to a scientific journal. I remain thirty minutes, to incorporate its fundamental criticism.
home at 15:10 I noticed that my pack system "small backpack in large backpack does not work because both elements are hopelessly overcrowded. I brace the Great on his back, he goes to me (1.87) over the head, the little I under the arm. In the tram will dissolve the buckle of the Expedition backpack (€ 25). The outer claws of the round part should remain anchored in the hollow counterpart, I will widen. The next attempt will cancel one. Without it holds the buckle. When changing planes I take in the familiar Dresdner redirect chaos unerringly the wrong tram. To catch my train yet, I have to do with the menhir on the back of a complete crossing of the Prager Strasse (pedestrian zone). In addition to the shopping public to get to me like a pioneer. It's raining like from reservoirs. At the same time I'm sweating how stupid. Goodbye, Dresden!
The regional stutter with wet landscapes. The driving experience is something of rowing in the Pacific. Feel a little seasick. The train stops at weird places like Niederwiesa, Hersbruck (right Pegnitz) or Chemnitz.
I sleep solid n with mom and dad in a modern flat-building in Munich-Englschalking.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Business Object Xi Reportauto Refresh
extensively fattened by nuts (baked toast, lasagna, tiramisu, ...) I'm a travel experiments that are described in the "Lonely Planet Guide to Experimental Travel" as a backpacker exploring his hometown. The carillon at the Munich City Hall will now be voted in and the surprised visitors now hourly instead present only at eleven clock in the morning. Instead, I walk past the chic cafes of Leopold Road and the fine boutiques of Hohenzollernstraße. However, I do not use other elements of the experiment, such as address and interview locals about the sights and nightlife.
I'm sitting in the imperial garden with Katrina, a friend of a year together in science. She likes my skepticism about costumes and the general desire in the workplace rather not share. I appreciate their appealing way, she insists on my hot chocolate mitzubezahlen (€ 4.20). For the price I know I'm in Munich. But the cup is as big as the glasses from which you drink half a beer.
Then it's off to Fürstenried in the south of the city where my old friend Tom Tomorrow celebrates its 40th anniversary. On the ground floor of the house of his mother, where for decades white curtains, still life etc. Alpine recalled the early economic miracle, is packed in one click trading floor. And waiting for rooms equipped with changing table, etc. the young, he expected a year ago and his wife Annie had brought from America in late September.
The day ends with the tasting of muffins and the like for the big celebration, video games, lunar eclipse and herbal tea.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Thick Leg Brazilian Gril
I live in Tom's former apartment under the roof, virtually an entire apartment. The day begins about eleven, we cut f UR expected thirty G aesthetic potatoes, carrots, eggplant and chickpeas.
The festival starts in the early evening. Some of the guests are language school friend of Annie, including the Ecuadorian Denice, which gives me a few final tips. Better yet, however, meet Christian, whom I've known since the college level, and his girlfriend Barbara: Ram is a South Indian who comes exactly from the corner where the two want to fly in early October. I also get to know Alex, the mechanic I had a few years ago unknown as mediated by my father Tom, to repair his scooter.
For salads, appetizers, cakes, there are grilled. F ÜR the Vegegarier offers the grill marshmallows from pig gelatin. Annie has a menu of 21 cocktails on offer, of which I only three manageable. At midnight's birthday. There are nasty appropriate gifts for the 40th Christian, Barbara and me a basket of shares that Tom will remember things that he will no longer come, including a cake in the snow mountain shape (skiing) and the self-compiled CD "Bavaria Goes America - And Back".
conditioning umlaut, if only an English keyboard at their disposal.
ä ö ü Ü Ö Ä ß
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tallest Rollercoaster In Texas
Christian and Tom kindly bring me to the airport. After the baggage we discuss a few questions about the meaning of life.
I have seven-hour stopover in Amsterdam, before it goes on with the airline KLM to Quito. Hard to believe: the first time in Holland. My mobile phone, while my only camera I leave for safety's sake on the plane. Then run I from pillar to post, to get it back. But neither stewardesses still cleaning staff seem to have found. repeatedly I'll leave it at my number to ring three times since and, lo, s inevitable at some point someone. However, I hear only L poorest so reminiscent of aircraft engines. The next test is off.
I'm going first by train to downtown. When rain I agree not to be cast Kracht ride. The Borsteinschwalben behind the windows I miss the weather conditions. Young people in coffee shops drinking herbal tea. Instead, I sit in a tapas bar and eat lamb stew with garlic bread. A touch of holiday atmosphere prevails.
to my wireless phone is there any new insights. Apparently Mezedhes wanted elsewhere. So I probably 3 1 / 2 weeks will be unreachable by phone, not bad. Seventeen hours of flying start. The first stop after ten of the "Flamingo Airport on Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). There is a drop off duty. After that no passenger on board less. The new attendants served the same breakfast, it was two hours ago, and we show the same security as the video after the start. At the second stop in the 3-million city of Guayaquil actually get off some, but just as many again, for the McDonnell-Douglas 11 flies, cleaned temporary, right back to Amsterdam. For the third time I see the security video. On the approach to Quito, the Cotopaxi volcano rises like a white pyramid of the sea of clouds. The white on the summit, however, seems to be smoke, because of this volcano is active.
f by generic growing street need and settlements ährt me a taxi driver to the hostel Auberge Inn . The hostel looks really much more realistic than the web. In any case, I have arrived.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
What Is Natural Oestrogen
Quito is 2850 meters above sea level and is surrounded by green ünen four thousand . But good mountain air f ühlt differently in the lungs. The Auberge Inn is located exactly between old and new. Actually I was planning to send immediately the forum Couchsurfing for residential customers. But my nominee for host had minute cancellations m ode and after that I got only one offer, which I on the ground would sleep must and can only check in the evening .
To get to know a city best to set a small task. In my case, the exchange of a 50-euro note. Heavily armed security mechanisms Software Foundation in banks, I know from S OUTH A FRICA . With my 100 W örter-English I run with them something of conversation . Are you extremely friendly, not only exchange of the f ive banks to which they continue to refer me gradually, euro banknotes. Schliemann ßlich I think by itself one that does it. The lady at the counter copied my passport, I also already known Ma ßnahme . But when they my phone number f ÜR their computer form know m öchte , I wonder something.
first before I take the New Town, which is a less spectacular ary reputation precedes as the Old Town. Due to time conversion and H Öhe I run a little behind myself ago. In the center of New Town is broken in the framework of an ambitious experiment extensively on the road ßenpflaster. Sch ön it looks like not. There are next to us äglicher steel and rust architecture some really nice colonial facades.
noon overtaken me with a sleep attack KOMAT ösem slumber in the wake . In the evening I order for dinner, "Te verde", which should mean locally w "gr Üner tea." The operation at me kuckt, as h aett I gr ünes ordered meat. In order not to appear forward v öllig clueless, I decided to ask for tea, "Manzanilla", close ßlich h localities, the good life. So the day ends with chamomile tea.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Can You Still Kiss With Throat Cancer
farther hochkurvt the bus tend to want to solve the more temporary brick buildings, chic, colorful blocks from. A wizard collects from passengers quarter dollar coins. At the terminus seem dust, missing roofs, to stray dogs and dog-hut-like dwellings to slum. This is what Hühnchenbratereien and Internet cafes on the doorstep. From a cable car on the other hand is nothing to see. In the alley next to it goes up another bus to the village boundary. Again, there is definitely no cable car. The view is still pretty : a settlement mosaic that spreads uniformly dense in architectural mix of styles of sinks and hills.
The bus takes me several miles to the north down. The sun is shining now, and sweet Ecuadorian music seeps from the speakers. Below were including "Life Is Life (Opus, 2x)," Brother Louie (Modern Talking), and Boney M. - Boney M. cover themselves or performers. The path through the houses feels quaint. Ever GE I find Quito in its bustling diversity always besser.Die ride ends for me on a road where the North American style leaked a fast food restaurant following the next. The "Control" (trolley) bus, a kind of quick line, I'm in thirty minutes along with Quito in the Old Town.

evening I let cut my hair for two dollars. Serve with English or a combination of two words: "cortos (short) and" no "(not). Interestingly, the hairdresser washed my hair, has after they cut. This washing should have only improve the cutting. At night, the streets in a warm yellow light bathed, occasional streetwalker blink from passers-by to. For me, the day ends with a local club of beer.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tata Internationnal Infrastructure Fund
Yesterday I lay in wait outside the bus station on already some badly dressed men. They wanted me to Baños, Guayaquil and elsewhere bring. But I only wanted a few miles to S üden down the Panamericana. The dirt looks like a red station heruntergewirtschaftes, mehrst öckiges car garage with rancid honeycomb snack, junk stalls and notd ürftig barricaded ticket offices. I'll get me a ticket f UR nochwas three U.S. dollars.
When boarding the bus guides I read the translation of my desire before to get off at the turnoff to the Cotopaxi National Park. A woman enters the bus and h a passionate appeal for donations older for some thing. During the first stop all the colonies pale blue bekittelter Zoom äufer run through the vascular ährt: Some chips, N üsschen, figs, candied Fri üchte, meat mirror SSE and a toothbrush ürstenvorf abduction . In shaky images flickers a local cooking show across the screen. They prepare schnitzel and Gem PTS to. In between we see used in Great ßaufnahme, which preserves and that the dripping lush necked K öchin. Instead of nature f the 1 1/2-st ührt drive through Weitl REQUENTLY improvised settlements and industrial plants nge.
Where me the driver rausl ässt is, t AETs ächlich the guide to my hostel. Past the rushes, azaleas, black-white need K ühen and mixed ütlichen Lamas after fifteen minutes to reach the Hotel "La Luna Cuella" . Live looks even better than the hacienda from the net: dark wood beams and planks, W changes in the warm colors, wood stove and tasteful stone elements. Unfortunately, the Luna is
something TRAINING ünstig behind a small pine forest. Therefore, I climb through the afternoon bl ühende heathlands an H high sash to see the supposedly active h Öcher volcano on earth, the Cotopaxi. I see the dark clouds that are in it ngengeblieben h ä . On a volcano that looks like it would launch the rain. When I get back to the hotel, have four small boys with great enthusiasm air from the tire of a trailer. An even smaller girl throws with four bricks.
In Luna busweise French accommodated. Nature according ä ß connect them in packs, have a lead animal interpreters, invent stories in sonorous language and gr ü need everyone with "Bonjour". N äher I talk only with a changeable Engl who wants to climb the Cotopaxi at midnight, and a young couple from the goal of all trek to the West: Oregon. I have a dorm, so multiple rooms booked. Tats ächlich I sleep alone in the big ß s attic.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Know The Model Of Pc Case
... Daf ÜR I must now make the Cotopaxi tour alone - partly because the French do not escape from their union, partly because the organizers make sure that all drivers are in use.
Let 's to 3200 meters from the hotel. At the Pan-American Highway with a local woman rises Erchen daughters to. business etched ten land people follow in a parking lot they dr ü bridges together on R ückbank and Ladefl Äch . the entrance of the Cotopaxi National Park, flanked the first stand-Wed t Inkam Uetz. F UR $ 10 entry's going to need Schotterstra uphill, past Kieferw äldern, ferns and lava fields. At 3600m the passengers of one man detached east, the Bergf Uehr Tomas, as it turns out. At a lichen and BL ü ü th bers ähten Canyon 3800m following a peaceful glacial lake. Gradually takes something similar but then the vegetation from , and Cotopaxi is a couple of times his uniform ä regularly need further cone behind the clouds.
In 4500 we reached the parking lot, even create dickbereifte buses it up here. The aim of these is the rise of Refugio Jose F. Ribas, the stone base camp f ÜR the summit (5897m) . At the beginning I let Robert and Tomas are. Robert is very soon to Uecker, but Tomas in the last third is still faster than me, because not everything in this H Öhe respiratory my walking pace is behind. The interim hail snow l east up, and Cotopaxi is becoming more tangible. It is fresh, but with protected f etched ü five degrees C. cold, not really. 4800m, my pers önlicher H öhenrekord (3600m, Virgin saddle) is here in Snow powdered .
it is in Refugio commemorative T-shirts and beautiful Önen iced tea. The relaxed Tomas brings me to a projection view, where a small wolf ü over red lava walk. He ren ährt from rabbits, explained me Aert Tomas.
After that's through more landscapes, one associates with S üdamerika name: a beautiful oenes of a river shared valley in front of a four-thousand, saftgr üne H sash, wild horses, hopping rabbits, Wolf which has not yet met, and bl ütenbestickte straw grass fields. Then, close and romantic gorge, at the end we are up to 30 m a huge vulture Horst n ähern. Two people we see fly straight.
The Sp ätm ittagsmenu on the R ückfahrt is apart weight ürzte banana soup, a pork steak I had ordered chicken, and coca tea, the taste in his understated austerity slightly reminiscent of Mate.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Software Exception C0000005in Tally
At breakfast I know that my last night during the blog-writing, a feast is missed: giant guinea pig, such as suckling pig served at a time and cut into slices. Someone from the Israeli travel group (which I had not previously mentioned) must have had birthday. Very religious seem to not be on the road.
I stand at the Pan-American Highway, to stop a bus to Banos. A practice that I had seen on the journey. I lift my thumb. After some buses are rushed past me to declare a tourist from Quito waiting driver, which means lift your thumb in Ecuador, "free". And I would pay the few dollars for the bus without hesitation. I wave to the forearm as the driver I am fooling. There goes an hour, the buses are too full. Here, the drivers would collect the cash prize and probably economies in their own pockets. I'm coming out with another driver added that he may take me half an hour for ten dollars to the bus station after Latatunga if until then I still would be around here. Two minutes before the end of the period of holding even a bus.
I am grateful for the standing next to a sack of rice, puff pastry and a cardboard box a young woman who pushes her baby at the breast. The radio sounds like a heart-tearing Male voice: "Estoy Cruzificado", "I'm krutzifiziert" or something. In Latatunga I know that it is only through the industrial city of Ambato to Banos. On the way are four elongated Cuys (guinea pig) to be seen on the streets, which are rotated on a spit at a barbecue. Heads and paws still easy to recognize. From the Terminal Terrestre (bus station) in Ambato is no bus to Banos, as explained to me the guy at the counter, and I have bothered him at the study of a porno mag. A couple I met, it will have learned that there Banos for its own station. The last two were also at Cotopaxi. The girl came to me there already familiar. I have no idea where. The two are from Munich. Hm We share a taxi.
go to Baños it past kitschy chapels lush canyons - again and again crossed by furrows, the lava has dug into the ground.
Marie Banos is a lively pilgrimage and Heilquellenort, close embrace of nebelverh üllten mountains. Everywhere Internet cafes, L Aeden with original Inca cloaks , hostels ("Hotel Dusseldorf", "Hotel Bar Restaurant Les Alpes"), colorful wooden stands, improvised Travel Agency OFFICES Cuy and grill stalls. In short, the ideal location for ÜR come. Actually I wanted to stay with the Couch Surfer Daniel, but he did not give me his phone number tell more when I could come. Au ßerdem seems to me his address incomplete to be incom. So I pinto first in the "Hostal Santa Cruz" field.
goes against three's for lunch in a local-scales. The feisty proprietress rattling down the main dishes and side dishes. Not a word I say now and then understanding "Si". W hile I wait at dinner, l äuft TV in a children's program. It hosted a guy who looks like a red-haired Marilyn Manson in Star Wars-uniform with peacock feathers on the R Uecker. When the landlady half an hour later ethereal, studiously ignoring me, even begin to eat, but sometimes I ask after the whereabouts of my meal. She claims I h aett ordered only the juice, the drink I would. I begin to argue loudly. What was hindered by the language. Elsewhere there Loma, ie loin steak with fries and Kichernerbsensalat. On the R ückweg I unfold all four Fotogesch cantle from the city, but none has the right paper to develop films of Kodak disposable cameras.
are over the evening to report the following: see panpipes combo in the restaurant "Bon Giorno". Try on a street as green stripes recall, in taste and texture of calamari. Vegetarian tacos to get a basket of popcorn served. W ä during the l äuft a confectionery buyer through the restaurant, and the Inca combo from the pizzeria to play. In the refrain of the first song is "Ecuador" which, the Second is simply "Ho!". Very atmospheric. Then I prefer something around the houses. Even at 10 am is danced. In the first shop I enter, I am the only gringo and raise the average age of my appearance at least a year. Sp ethereal it is not better.
Andes Hotel II
Monday, September 1, 2008
Gay Hot Spots In Oregon
Daniel answers me to my suggestion that it to meet I was always in welcome to him. Only we could see at the moment, since he just au outside the country while. Hm I Barbara and Ingo meet again, the nice couple from Munich. Them it seems just to Mallorca-like. They borrow wheels in order to cycle downhill to Puyo direction jungle. The luggage will bring all of them, the wheels go sp ethereal the opposite way. Me the "Casa Hood" recommend for breakfast. It is very comfortable and reasonably brash. There, I meet a laid-back guys from California. We talk about beer traditions compared vs Bayern. USA. He tells me that the U.S. Budweiser brewer was bought back from a large Belgian brewer. Hopefully, that approximate the Belgians the recipe the Czech original.
The Basilica de Nuestra Senora del Agua Santa "is so called because formerly supposed to have turned the holy Virgin the Lava / mineral water from the city Tungurahua volcano in holy water. Is just fair that people pray to the orange-golden altar against the background. Huge paintings document miracles of Mary, and a beautiful female voice sings a beautiful, wistful song, but rather reminiscent of "El Condor Pasa." The attached "Museo Fray Enrique Miderus "offers a wealth of curiosities collection: colored marble panels with Mary surprised, childishly painted images of saints, pink wedding dolls in the Barbie-style simplified Inca art imitating or embroidered dresses in outrageous color combinations, a Jesus figure, the hands are chopped off, a porcelain-Omi with knitting and the complete fauna of Ecuador in stuffed form.
I try "Alfenique, candy bars, made from thick ropes that depend days next to the window before they have the right consistency. Here, the rubbery material is stretched, rotated and beaten with Schmackes against average dirty house walls.
lunch time has come. Actually, I did this yesterday Cuy have tried, but all the guinea pigs barbecue stalls were closed in the evening. But now have to believe the comical creatures turn. I enter a wohnzimmergro SSES local, even before the turn already looking at the mirror copies ß. The friendly landlady I placed a plastic table where taste itself a family specialties ät l ässt. The SC hweinem ärchen is served with potatoes and rice. The vault gold trans skin crust reminiscent of a half-animal on my plate to duck. Head, eyes and Teeth are clearly visible. At the middle Ueck h ängt still turn a claw. The whole f ÜR here decadent $ 7 Man eats with H change, because as just a set L öffel provided. Lich taste is somewhere between the delicacy of roast suckling pig and Kaninc Hen located. Excellent.
After lunch m öchte I actually climbing, but there are too many clouds on the road again. I prefer the spa. The "Piscina de la Virgen," the young woman Spas are below a 200m high waterfall. Native American-looking people with colorful Traditionsumh fears and dark H üten wait before dressing boxes. Again, I am the only gringo. F UR $ 2 admission at the weekend ($ 1 during the week) can I take a plastic crate f UR clothes and belongings. That this wegschlie SST, but not provided. Prior to the locker room is purely forward nothing, and in the thermal pool romp f ünfmal as many people as in there are d ürften so that the situation had something to do with recreation. So I then go again in a clean hotel.
re Plastikk örbe that can lock up here, however. But some of the daf ÜR provided for wood doors are so worn out that they can not shut off. Again, only locals. There are free grapefruit juice. On this occasion I have mentioned times since and that you get everywhere in Ecuador fantastic juice of all kinds üchte Fri. The lifeguard told me that stays lit in the Ecuadorian saunas swimsuits. On the other hand, you put here with no towel. The Saunab s, Junk themselves are nailed together boards, the plan set move it forward. At 68 degrees the sauna is wohltempiert - like the ice pool, which is ignored by the Ecuadorians. Daf UR sit for hours in the hot water. Its action consists solely in schrumpelnder skin. Maybe you have to believe in the thing with Mary, so that does more.
In the "Cafe" (not "Casa") "Hood" is the evening ripped off Dub, the Indian elephant god Ganesha covers an entire wall, and I eat a "Ecuador plate: fried breaded potato pancakes, fried eggs, corn, Avokadosalat and red cabbage that tastes like lemon grass. Best is the gazpacho-like, spicy condiment. This plays a new pan flutes combo. After an instrumental and a Colombian song to thank the four material in five languages for the applause, in as many languages they can use the word "tip". Funny the final Inca interpretation of "Lambada" is.
The party street "Eloy Alfaro" Sunday is deserted. In the bar "Mocambo" I like to try the burnt sugar cane brandy in this area with the beautiful name "Necta. It tastes of honey less than after Schnapps. Rafal angels to see the original in the Old Masters in Dresden, smoking a ciggy on the wall here. As a nightcap, I take a "Volcano" - a cocktail glass in the snap of "Licor de cana" (cane liquor), mint and grenadine. The top green and bottom red Drink is flaming, on fire for twenty minutes until a good part is burned. And tastes like heated lava.
Plz Check My Kundali Is Manglik Or Not
laundry and jungle tours offered. Later it occurs to me what the synergy. I have a bag of dirty laundry and a self-washed things that do not dry. After I presented the two nice ladies washing five times my wish have, we can do business.
The English is `s ever such a thing: I manage well, provide with the help of my dictionary cube questions, but I do not understand the answers. At this point I have to praise the Ecuadorians times: They are nice, helpful and unobtrusive in particular. Obsolete offerings such as cleaning shoes are limited.
From Banos (1800m), I'm on me to go up the hill "Las Antenas" (estimated 2600) - According to guide the ideal base from which to see the house volcano Tungurahua (5023 m). Banos in 1999 had to be evacuated when the Tungurahua threw ashes. As a result, soldiers guard the city, and because they the time was, they got themselves added hookers. In the city still are pictures from the last small eruption in August 2006. On the way to climb to get past a display in which the bronze figure of a bare-breasted black beauty next to the Virgin Mary stands.
The path to "Las Antenas" passes by eucalyptus trees, called sporadic cows, donkeys, horses, mules, dwellings, the "ranchos" and two azurrblauen birds. For the 7.5 km climb 2 1 / 2 hours are provided. I am after some sports, 1 1/2h later, I walk up the last hairpin bend. I think. Although this transmission antennas, but far and wide, no volcano. Only clouds and over the hill, a new hill. Perhaps it is meant to guide the vantage point of these hills. Perhaps the Ecuadorians on foot, and I have been going for an hour. First, it is thirty minutes downhill. Just below the clouds an eagle circles overhead. Only that I'm here wandering on the road, I did not mention. After 2 1/2h I've run into a nasty blister the ball. I open with my hotel key. After 3 h, appeared on a new hill, another hour away. The view then opens in the haze finally consists of only mediocre valleys and mountains. defend barking dog scattered cattle.
forgiven During the descent, some Clouds. Opposite me, on the edge of the valley, located in the Banos, opens up a mighty mountain. The summit of Tungurahua, which is further surrounded by mist, I look at later on the web.
I am naked in the bathroom to shower. A knock. I barely pull me about, and open. At the door of my hotel room, the entire staff of "Laundry Nicole" has lined up. I had just paid when picking up my laundry too little, they say. $ 1.50 for the bag of clothes they had just dried off came. I pay and shower before I me dry.
A monkey.

small businesses.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Whole Sale Double Finger Ring
On Wednesday, the day before yesterday, I drove into the jungle camp.
for the tour "Jungle Extreme's rubber boots, rain gear or later some more. "Soy Gringo Aleman," I put myself Paolo, your guide for today. He tells me that is the term "Gringo" from the Vietnam War, where the order to attack the Americans have been: "! Go Green". Somewhere I had heard before. Without Paulo, but with Paula, and three relaxing other Spaniards, Sebastian, and Raul Laeticia, the gentle Swiss Leah and Daniel, and four guides go. The ride downhill to Puyo is broken up with tosh like bungee-jumping (These kinds of just get nightmares) and the crossing of a ravine by means of electrically driven grate cage. Behind stumbling blocks and a wooden bridge, which already lacks a few bars, the rafting begins in the Rio Negro. Contrary to my other habit on such occasions I am not among those that test the current threshold from below.
After lunch we reach the jungle camp in the reserve "El Parvenis" about 30km south-east, I suppose, of Puyo. Stilt houses with thatched roofs, small monkeys and copulating plush dogs greet us. And to all this botantischer a garden that seems to have no limits, as it appears on the subsequent walk. If someone asks me how it looks in the Jungle: It's very green. We cross an important trade route termites. After the bath under a 30m-high waterfall, it is getting dark. Our guide Romulu (none of the four out of the car) for the girls hair weave wreaths of Farngräsern and paints them with the red of a spiked fruit an Indian design on the cheek. He explains the hallucinogen derived from red stems Ayaguasca. Soon we fly neon green Fireflies around the ears.
sitting at dinner have a group of young women and spits America Nier at the next table. In each of their sentences is at least one "Oh, my gosh," "You guys" or "Hey, dude" before. Later they cut us the night in which they sound for the jungle with chart music. This make all the crickets, birds and other animals are beautiful music. On this occasion I can moderate my original set "Mallorca una provinvia allemana" Fit and the Spaniards agree.
In the jungle camp, there are no celebrities, but bunk beds, toilets and even a shower. Even the mosquitoes are holding back. Really that's not extreme.
The Spaniards kindly translate my description of the annual Karl May Festival in Radebeul near Dresden, for the Indians Romulu: Thousands of German Native Americans, for example, drummed for one night on a river. I talk about Winnetou, Old Shatterhand and practices such as blood brotherhood. For dinner, there's spaghetti. Hasta la pasta.
eat at breakfast with a small parrot. He can not fly because all the dogs the flight feathers have worn away. Today we run off in rubber boots. Jogger in our direction. It is woman, daughter and cousin of Romulu, they want to join us. Of the next three hours March through the jungle and mud to report: hand-sized butterfly, a flower that, when placed in the mouth, gives a little girl Schmoll lips, a spider that has spun from all sides, a fungus that looks like a silicone implant. Romulus explains how to build from reed backpacks and chic handbags (the latter are actually made on the following day to the next guide). Then it's depending on body size knee-deep in the belly or a stream of water high - this time to a waterfall, which is a tree with a protruding branch as a diving platform. On the way back we test a Tarzahnbahn in the form of a vine off with sling. We observe insects the mutually buried in the mud and fist-sized grasshopper. For lunch there is a tasting of asparagus soup, be immersed in the croutons in the shape of popcorn. This time would eat with a monkey.
afternoon I'll take the help of our new medical guides Angel (m, pronounced in English) in right, because my bladder is on the ball of the foot in the mud and dirt become larger. It uses conventional medical disinfectant, yesterday I had taken aftershave. In addition, herbal medicine is in its pocket. I explain to the descendants of the original inhabitants of this the German proverb: "An Indian knows no pain."
enter through a grate plate bridge we Cotocotcha the Indian village. A 60sqm hut serves as a kindergarten, school and gift shop. Nursing mothers are demonstrating how to make a bowl out of clay, she dyed and decorated. You can also necklaces, buy wooden knife, bush horns and can make temporary henna tattoos. We learn how it works banana crop, u nd how from certain branches Schamamensaft wins. From the leaves of the plant we tinker pita strips to play a role.
evening we replace English and German songs from. Contrary to my previous Adoption is "Eviva Espagna" not a purely German Schlager. On the night hike I do without because of foot disease.
discover the morning of the last day we jungle on the Rio Puyo, where the camp is a white mountain peak that rises majestically from the green botany. It is the volcano Sangay (5230m), legendary 4400m situated higher than the camp. At breakfast the Spaniards tell of a bus ride down the coast and got lit up in during each braking maneuver a picture of Mary.
slip in original Indian canoes like the pretty Rio Puyo direction Sangay down. Angel insists that the mountain is higher still at 400 was. After a long swim unit waits behind the canoe rapids on us. I can hold on to large stones. We boots up the hill where the road must be. In a pond, I suggest that there could be living crocodiles. Actually appeared on a 2m alligator. His colleague 3m can unfortunately not show up. Here in the secondary (meaning younger) forest, there are otherwise no big game. During the further advancement Angel carving patterns in the small nut of a palm tree and makes a hole that is provided for the cord of yesterday, and result in a necklace.
The last climb to the lookout hill, from where you can tour the entire landscape see, now do my manifold blowing no good. recalls its strong effect on snuff - - After testing a flu means I become the object of a medical nature Demonstration: Angel scratches on a white dragon tree and deletes the red resin to the places where skin is supposed to be. I pulled together the wounds, but it burns less than alcohol. Psychologists call the general sympathy, which is given to me, "secondary gain". The final descent to the car I do with shoes made of leaves, which are tied with branches around the feet. The car runs a rustic Heavy Metal. If that's not an adventure.
the row.
Parrot (right), I (left).
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Pokemon Leafgreen Rom Mac
When I wake up, it's quarter past ten. I hasten with showers and dressing. Strangely enough, are everywhere in the city lowered the blinds. On Friday? An employee of my hotel, "Plantas Y Blanco's" sweeping the street. The safe side, I ask him for the time. Six clock 45, he says. My clock must be stopped last night.
In ninety minutes I'm on the detour at the Ostbahnhof of Ambato Riobamba. Following the direction where the density increases business, I find the center. Quirrlige a big city this is, lined up in the food, communications and general stores. The very first photo shop, I would like to enter, develop my films. One and a half hours later, the images are done. You have the aesthetics of aged postcards. I had my Cybershot better taken off the plane. In one of the many cafes with a ceiling height of 1.60m and below I push (1.87m) me neatly to the skull.
I arrive in Vladimir, which houses the Couchsurfing meeting. He is 25 and already has his own Ökotourismusfirma. He immediately told me that my jungle tour was mainstream nonsense. I had the tendency, so guessed. give real life, only in primary forest, where managed over 30m high trees space for biodiversity. The organization of the Couchsurfing meeting some have worked against each other, so fewer people came than expected.
There are then but at least one fifteen, the following communities are represented: Ecuador (7), USA (3), France (2), Switzerland (2), Germany (1). In the evening we dine in a real-Southwestern restaurant. Among the people I meet on couchsurfing I will regularly expandability aware of my life: for example Joshua writes from Oklahoma life traveling and stress-free for a new guide and could not just look to star in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." Boris from Paris to come up individually to Machu Pichu, and Felipe thinks of San Francisco in Quito from scripts.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Where To Buy Ladies Kurta In Mumbai
cancel seven of us to first on the market of Riobamba, a traditional local breakfast take: roast pork from a sow, as they are here without one (as everywhere in the city) on the whole, baked on the counters. To this end, we drink the juice of tree tomatoes. An elderly man with an estimated dozen whole, garer pork knuckles under his arms. My best holiday photo shows a Mark woman, a appetilich lying at her roast pork and various shapes on the wall behind Marie.
After that `s with a small bus to the foot of a mountain, the opposite of I (East) already know: the Tunguruha. We walk through a trail that the volcano has beaten in 2006 by the huts. On a half collapsed house front, the roof is down in the form of individual wood planks. You can still see well a Donald Duck figure on the facade. Half-Cross country we fight our way up a path to a lookout hill. Wild turkeys and Kolobris emerge, taking little black worms on the skin make for a better blood circulation. Vladimir explained that eucalyptus trees had been here once imported to dry by their water-storage effect the mosquitoes. But today the ground was dehydrated. During the descent I dive involuntarily at a Bachüberspringung my bottom into the water. A donkey is in the eye of the needle between the imaginary way of growing plants. At lunch (soup, chicken), I realize what the uniform of the Ecuadorian cuisine and that is: coriander. To this end we drink Cerveza. The fact that the Tunguruha has not shown today, I do not need to write first.
In the village there are rugs with Guana polar bear motif and cowboy accessories to buy. We chicha, a local specialty made from liquid grain and planned to try young chickens. It tastes like eggnog with whipped cream. Nine of wegschlucken we have a whole liter. "Vinos of the Andes" is called the drink. I'm worried about my cholesterol.
on the outskirts of Riobamba a zebra striped cow stands as momument middle of a roundabout. We eat dinner at a Chinese Ecuador, here in general "Chifa referred. Chop Suey my tastes at least not by glutamate. For further Evening activities would actually be singing karaoke provided, but Wladys computer does not work. In its pay-TV program, we discover for the teen comedy "Who's My Daddy?". The worst film on the recall can all come to enjoy it. We develop our long Babylonian confusion of languages (English, English, French, German, Swiss German) is always on.
from volcanic ash striped scales.
attack on the U.S.?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hydroquinone Causing Dark Skin
solves On Sunday, the Couchsurfing meeting up slowly. Christiano (Ecuador) and Melanie (France) take the other, Miguel (USA), Boris (France) and me (Germany), with the car on Ecuador's highest mountain, the volcano retired Chimborazo (6310m). Previously, we have breakfast in a cafe in which I was already running on Friday. I eat chicken and caramel cake in puff pastry.
Unaware of the way we cross through the area, pass a place where people concentrate in colorful traditional robes and fruit stands. We pass a boy with a bicycle. On his shoulders back, a boy, in turn, is shouldering three brand new broom. It goes past small pig farms, factories and dust Wäschleinen. From 4000m, the vegetation opens into a lunar landscape. It's snowing, and we hear ripped off from Dub Christianos Ipod, he's connected to his car speakers, because it constantly with permanently installed sound system the car would be broken. Once was standing with a rapid fire pistol while smear. Especially in Quito, where he lives with Melanie, are accumulating reports of attacks.
At Refugio I (4800m), we get out and run up through red mist, damp sand. Memorials to climbers along the way. Including a table, reminiscent of Christianos stepfather. Fifteen years ago he was the victim of an avalanche. In 2007 at age 87 will receive an amount which is not. The aluminum plates along the way are from the roof of the refugio II, the wind has carried them down here.
We are there, 5000m above sea level, improved my altitude record again. In Refugio II's bunk beds, a large wood stove, mushroom soup and coca tea (together for $ 2). A poster welcomes the South American Befreungshelden Simon Bolivar. Stickers on the windows of institutions that have been there, "sponsors of the mountain rescue services Carinthia," the magazine "The home seeker," "Wild East Adventure Travel". The landlord will repair the lock of the room with a large kitchen knife. Our lodge will stay sonicated with "Sweet Child of Mine" (Guns 'n' Roses) and "You Give Love A Bad Name" (Bon Jovi). Bad taste knows no bounds upwards. Based on the movie last night, the words "Quien es tu papi?" the popular consciousness. He can somehow always apply, for example, if one spills the soup. Even Christiano laugh. Solo Chimborazo, we have not seen the peak I know them only from the Internet .
Back in Riobamba I say goodbye to the other and climb starved a bus that brings me after all, even in the small town Alausi. I eat what the dealers have to offer on the bus: apricot from a small bag and an appetizing mixture of whole grain bread and honey. While driving, running a song I've heard at least fifty times, and in which it häuptsächlich to "Corazon" (heart) is. Where "Corazon" occurs in every Ecuadorean song. And if not "Corazon", then at least "Sentimentos.
is the restaurant "El Cisne" ("The Swan") in Alausi I placed a menu that would have previously taken place without communication: soup with potatoes, cheese and green leaves, chicken leg with rice. This I order juice and get some kind of cough syrup warm with raspberry flavor. The whole thing for $ 2.25. Add $ 5 bill can not publish the waiter, the daily drama that occurs, but otherwise only from $ 10 notes. The waiter takes my coins worth just under $ 2, said, "unimportant", and I am grateful. At night, a local brass band playing in the dim lantern light from the main road.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Merbau Horizontal Steel Posts
In the "Residencia Alausi" I wake up in a while already down thoroughly familiar, but spacious rooms with three double beds, TV and padlock on the front door fitted approximate. Here on the ground floor next to the reception I get with exactly who goes in and out, what the neighbors have room fool around, and when the floor is scrubbed over me. From the Residencia I come out only when I unlock one of the many employees the wrought iron entrance door.
At breakfast I saw confirmed my thesis that in Ecuador "Cafe con leche" (coffee with milk), hot milk, into which al Gusto soluble coffee is stirred from a can. There is also the variant in which the powder is replaced with a few drops of mocha. My guide from the series "Reise Know-How" lists under "Alausi" not a single landmark. I therefore find the attractions must itself: About the town wakes up at least twenty meters high equipped, surreal, with Cross and Bible Peter statue. The obvious tourist-free place you can see people in colorful traditional robes around her shoulders, children in school uniform and little boys, with the bike and yellow lined red Reassign Torrero play. Also has a modern Alausi Fire Department (Cuerpo de bomberos ") with red cars of the Toyota brand. On the road to eat french fries, kebabs and giant bananas on the grill. A variant to me is new because of the Ecuadorian export hit me until now was only raw fruit, dried fruit, main course and side dish, dessert, juice, ice and Kucheningredenz met.
is to report further that the potato soup stands out for lunch a meaty beef bones from a dozen other potato soups I've been in Ecuador tried. In an internet cafe all the keys of the keyboard but the letters are in wrong. Not far off the mark hold highly relevant to the tourist train called the "Nariz del Diablo" (Devil's nose), but not on days when I'm here. In the restaurant where I eat dinner, a strange picture on the wall: dogs playing pool. On another is a mountain to see the rather similar to the Chimborazo. In the foreground an alpine farming village. A tennis match on television decides the day.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Kates Playground M,asturbates
Yesterday I Erte strolling after lunch on the main street ß e to the garage, the exit of the buses. A gentleman appears to already be waiting for me. He says something I do not understand. Oddly, the word "Telephone" it before. I point to put on a bus to Guayaquil, assure him I h aett already have a ticket, and interpret, it's my backpack into the luggage äckfach. But he does not rest repeated "Telefono" and erg änzt "Venga!" ("Come!"). I follow him to the counter. He hands me the H örer through the glass. It is Maru, my "host" (as they say in Couchsurfng) in Guayaquil. She works in a Travel Agency Üröm, they determined the number of the bus stop and tells me she k Önner me now but from Terminal Terrestre Guayaquil . Pick So much for my assertion that I am here not reachable by phone. Actually, I had the 3 million-metropolis (gr ö SSTE city in Ecuador) want to skip, but I got so many nice invitations that I've thought about it differently .
Driving through the misty Andean gorges rise again school children in and out. Somewhere in a particularly dense fog, where the run is still winding and muddy as elsewhere, the bus will stop for ninety minutes. Stra ßenbauarbeiten, as it turns out. Daf ü r's me then a new specialties ät from Banana: pancakes Bananenteig, guided üllt with cheese.
The mountains are happening, the forest vegetation is into individual palms, giant ferns, and imperforated ä Sample the flavors of banana plantations, maize, pineapple and rice. Wildly romantic Baumh Aeus and Kleing Aerts, rust booths with D next car price from Palmbl aett, between dusty, bustling St AEDT morbidly charming. In passing, I learn that meat patties / burgers / tablets bull here, "Rambo" hei need. A gr o SSES glider narrowly slides over one of the endless banana fields. From the speakers penetrate Rumbakl ength. It swings. Behind the village is
Duran's about the split, miles wide on the river to Guayaquil Guaya r . The bus station is brand new and similar to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof, part of a oversized shopping mall. f instead ü five degrees, it has kept here in the evening thirty. Maru (31) brings me to their friends, Jorge and Juan from the car. She lives a few Km n orth. The property is Couch Surfing at its best: The entrance of the zweist öckigen apartment serves as K ITCHEN, living room and N ähstube. Maru living here with parents, younger brother and younger sister, whose husband and daughter. It sounded solemn tango melodies that come from a film classic k choose PREPAYMENT. I will in a while without closing ßbares (here is the T UR undoubtedly too small f ÜR the frame) , windowless, but at least quartered own room.
evening meal Maru, Juan, Jorge, the 31j year-old grandmother Mari (Ver h PREVENTION There seems to be only sporadically operated ) and I the middle of a dusty traffic island in the open air restaurant "Dolarazo" with grill and plastic tables. There are Africans with rice pig f ÜR the competitive price of $ 1.25. Then it's off to the Latinobar La Cabanita "loud in the city center. More people are added, whose name I do not understand. One tries to impress me with his knowledge of German: "Fu ßball", " goodbye," Heil Hitler ". There is the Indian-sounding Brazilian beer brand Brahma. We bring Juan to the bus station, in the Night Mezedhes still somewhere. for me is followed by a small circle . For the twentieth time, a group photo is taken. I close SSE eyes.