Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tata Internationnal Infrastructure Fund


Yesterday I lay in wait outside the bus station on already some badly dressed men. They wanted me to Baños, Guayaquil and elsewhere bring. But I only wanted a few miles to S üden down the Panamericana. The dirt looks like a red station heruntergewirtschaftes, mehrst öckiges car garage with rancid honeycomb snack, junk stalls and notd ürftig barricaded ticket offices. I'll get me a ticket f UR nochwas three U.S. dollars.

When boarding the bus guides I read
the translation of my desire before to get off at the turnoff to the Cotopaxi National Park. A woman enters the bus and h a passionate appeal for donations older for some thing. During the first stop all the colonies pale blue bekittelter Zoom äufer run through the vascular ährt: Some chips, N üsschen, figs, candied Fri üchte, meat mirror SSE and a toothbrush ürstenvorf abduction . In shaky images flickers a local cooking show across the screen. They prepare schnitzel and Gem PTS to. In between we see used in Great ßaufnahme, which preserves and that the dripping lush necked K öchin. Instead of nature f the 1 1/2-st ührt drive through Weitl REQUENTLY improvised settlements and industrial plants nge.

Where me the driver rausl
ässt is, t AETs ächlich the guide to my hostel. Past the rushes, azaleas, black-white need K ühen and mixed ütlichen Lamas after fifteen minutes to reach the Hotel "La Luna Cuella" . Live looks even better than the hacienda from the net: dark wood beams and planks, W changes in the warm colors, wood stove and tasteful stone elements. Unfortunately, the Luna is

something TRAINING
ünstig behind a small pine forest. Therefore, I climb through the afternoon bl ühende heathlands an H high sash to see the supposedly active h Öcher volcano on earth, the Cotopaxi. I see the dark clouds that are in it ngengeblieben h ä . On a volcano that looks like it would launch the rain. When I get back to the hotel, have four small boys with great enthusiasm air from the tire of a trailer. An even smaller girl throws with four bricks.

In Luna busweise French accommodated. Nature
according ä ß connect them in packs, have a lead animal interpreters, invent stories in sonorous language and gr ü need everyone with "Bonjour". N äher I talk only with a changeable Engl who wants to climb the Cotopaxi at midnight, and a young couple from the goal of all trek to the West: Oregon. I have a dorm, so multiple rooms booked. Tats ächlich I sleep alone in the big ß s attic.

volcanic lake near Cotopaxi.

beautiful grass in view of the aesthetics of aged Postcards .


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