On Wednesday, the day before yesterday, I drove into the jungle camp.
for the tour "Jungle Extreme's rubber boots, rain gear or later some more. "Soy Gringo Aleman," I put myself Paolo, your guide for today. He tells me that is the term "Gringo" from the Vietnam War, where the order to attack the Americans have been: "! Go Green". Somewhere I had heard before. Without Paulo, but with Paula, and three relaxing other Spaniards, Sebastian, and Raul Laeticia, the gentle Swiss Leah and Daniel, and four guides go. The ride downhill to Puyo is broken up with tosh like bungee-jumping (These kinds of just get nightmares) and the crossing of a ravine by means of electrically driven grate cage. Behind stumbling blocks and a wooden bridge, which already lacks a few bars, the rafting begins in the Rio Negro. Contrary to my other habit on such occasions I am not among those that test the current threshold from below.
After lunch we reach the jungle camp in the reserve "El Parvenis" about 30km south-east, I suppose, of Puyo. Stilt houses with thatched roofs, small monkeys and copulating plush dogs greet us. And to all this botantischer a garden that seems to have no limits, as it appears on the subsequent walk. If someone asks me how it looks in the Jungle: It's very green. We cross an important trade route termites. After the bath under a 30m-high waterfall, it is getting dark. Our guide Romulu (none of the four out of the car) for the girls hair weave wreaths of Farngräsern and paints them with the red of a spiked fruit an Indian design on the cheek. He explains the hallucinogen derived from red stems Ayaguasca. Soon we fly neon green Fireflies around the ears.
sitting at dinner have a group of young women and spits America Nier at the next table. In each of their sentences is at least one "Oh, my gosh," "You guys" or "Hey, dude" before. Later they cut us the night in which they sound for the jungle with chart music. This make all the crickets, birds and other animals are beautiful music. On this occasion I can moderate my original set "Mallorca una provinvia allemana" Fit and the Spaniards agree.
In the jungle camp, there are no celebrities, but bunk beds, toilets and even a shower. Even the mosquitoes are holding back. Really that's not extreme.
The Spaniards kindly translate my description of the annual Karl May Festival in Radebeul near Dresden, for the Indians Romulu: Thousands of German Native Americans, for example, drummed for one night on a river. I talk about Winnetou, Old Shatterhand and practices such as blood brotherhood. For dinner, there's spaghetti. Hasta la pasta.
eat at breakfast with a small parrot. He can not fly because all the dogs the flight feathers have worn away. Today we run off in rubber boots. Jogger in our direction. It is woman, daughter and cousin of Romulu, they want to join us. Of the next three hours March through the jungle and mud to report: hand-sized butterfly, a flower that, when placed in the mouth, gives a little girl Schmoll lips, a spider that has spun from all sides, a fungus that looks like a silicone implant. Romulus explains how to build from reed backpacks and chic handbags (the latter are actually made on the following day to the next guide). Then it's depending on body size knee-deep in the belly or a stream of water high - this time to a waterfall, which is a tree with a protruding branch as a diving platform. On the way back we test a Tarzahnbahn in the form of a vine off with sling. We observe insects the mutually buried in the mud and fist-sized grasshopper. For lunch there is a tasting of asparagus soup, be immersed in the croutons in the shape of popcorn. This time would eat with a monkey.
afternoon I'll take the help of our new medical guides Angel (m, pronounced in English) in right, because my bladder is on the ball of the foot in the mud and dirt become larger. It uses conventional medical disinfectant, yesterday I had taken aftershave. In addition, herbal medicine is in its pocket. I explain to the descendants of the original inhabitants of this the German proverb: "An Indian knows no pain."
enter through a grate plate bridge we Cotocotcha the Indian village. A 60sqm hut serves as a kindergarten, school and gift shop. Nursing mothers are demonstrating how to make a bowl out of clay, she dyed and decorated. You can also necklaces, buy wooden knife, bush horns and can make temporary henna tattoos. We learn how it works banana crop, u nd how from certain branches Schamamensaft wins. From the leaves of the plant we tinker pita strips to play a role.
evening we replace English and German songs from. Contrary to my previous Adoption is "Eviva Espagna" not a purely German Schlager. On the night hike I do without because of foot disease.
discover the morning of the last day we jungle on the Rio Puyo, where the camp is a white mountain peak that rises majestically from the green botany. It is the volcano Sangay (5230m), legendary 4400m situated higher than the camp. At breakfast the Spaniards tell of a bus ride down the coast and got lit up in during each braking maneuver a picture of Mary.
slip in original Indian canoes like the pretty Rio Puyo direction Sangay down. Angel insists that the mountain is higher still at 400 was. After a long swim unit waits behind the canoe rapids on us. I can hold on to large stones. We boots up the hill where the road must be. In a pond, I suggest that there could be living crocodiles. Actually appeared on a 2m alligator. His colleague 3m can unfortunately not show up. Here in the secondary (meaning younger) forest, there are otherwise no big game. During the further advancement Angel carving patterns in the small nut of a palm tree and makes a hole that is provided for the cord of yesterday, and result in a necklace.
The last climb to the lookout hill, from where you can tour the entire landscape see, now do my manifold blowing no good. recalls its strong effect on snuff - - After testing a flu means I become the object of a medical nature Demonstration: Angel scratches on a white dragon tree and deletes the red resin to the places where skin is supposed to be. I pulled together the wounds, but it burns less than alcohol. Psychologists call the general sympathy, which is given to me, "secondary gain". The final descent to the car I do with shoes made of leaves, which are tied with branches around the feet. The car runs a rustic Heavy Metal. If that's not an adventure.
the row.
Parrot (right), I (left).