Saturday, August 23, 2008

South Park Episode Keeps Buffering

Whale watching

Au SSSR the beach promenade is the fishing village of Puerto Lopez, a single br öselnder scrap heap. Along the promenade stray dogs on beach bars made of boards. Past busty mannequins in fashionable one-splitters in order to swirl around customer loose, dreir ä DRiG Taxis dust. A man calls InBr ünstig "Cameron" ("shrimp") through the streets SSE. "Fish y cameron. Hanging on the handlebars of his bicycle, an old bucket. The H Aeus are bare brick, with some restaurants you have at least the facade plastered up deleted. Cuban T öne emphasize the morbid charm. A call Walagentur in the form of a red wooden crate to angepinselten "Wiston Churchill", a n every block I breathed a type "Whale watching" in his ear. Before 's but so far, I still visit the fishermen. Its fleet of f ive dozen former white must, blue, green ünen boats rocking in front of the market, where the fishing is already on the grill. What's in the Riobamba Schweinefr ühst Ueck, here fried grouper with rice and banana. A man collects a small twitch hammerheads to them, as I sp ethereal experience, the sea at the ückzugeben.

Wlady had recommended the agency "Machachilla Tours" because the best boat h
aett. I gather myself with a Neuseelen changeable, a Frenchman and a Swiss . Until it goes to sea, but are still picked up in three other providers Walinteressierte. Pelicans on the beach to help the fishermen at work, they swallow linealgro SSE marine species as a whole. Eleven people and I exchange shoes for life jackets, and it goes full tilt on the applied lake. Drau must circles a pigeon wing on DELAYS äteten fishing boats.

The election observation point is located forty kilometers west, in the Isla de la Plata (Silver Island). After ten minutes, immersed tats
ächlich a pair of humpback whales. come from Antarctica to mate here . This pair seems to be discussing some water to have. How does that sound , one can on a CD of two thousand one after ö ren. When we wear the shoes again, enters the n EXT charge Boatspeople the 5x2 km large SSE island.

Once we learn the "Bluefeetbooby" know, a brown-white bird with
need t ürkisen F ü need that f willingly UR us tourists posing . A star-shaped fruit that grows everywhere, serves as a sponge when abpellt the shell. diving everywhere new Türkisf ü ssler on. Raubv Oegel medium size ö SSE look at the matter from above. We reach picturesque chalk cliffs, like they usually only see on Sunday nights on ZDF. The color is the island called "Plata" ("Silver") awarded. However, tr ägt also the dark bird droppings contribute to the color. Fregattenv Oegel make air shows. The most elegant k it Önner but the albatross. F vultures are ÜR the evolution ary selection of breeding states of the other V Oegel incom. Below the cliffs, the Boobies at once gr üne F ü SSE. Among many is a shaky young, some already beflaumt. The parents mark the breeding aett ßem with white droppings.

snorkel from the boat We in the Cretaceous bays. We see Barracuda, trumpet, clown fish, sea urchins, colored and common perch.

Then the second attempt with the whales. Whale watching works as fol
need: You see a font PLANS, a tail-or R ückenflosse. The boat is heated to it. The whales sink into the sea. Minutes later ethereal they appear anywhere else again. And so on. But suddenly we h Ören a big SSES copy aufschnaufen twenty meters next to us. Three colleagues even jump out of the water. One of them even r ückw Aerts.

In Puerto Lopez a horde of children on waiting Bank on us.
If I understand correctly, they want to wash our F ü SSE.

evening I eat great fish marinated in the restaurant "Spandylus. Two T
ürsteher guard a completely empty club. The whole night life revolves around the campfire on the beach in front of a beach bar. The other is managed, but not investigated. Locals make a Vorturner Polon äse to the fire. I meet again the Swiss Thierry. He already left for half a year by S üdamerika. His cultural pessimism on theft and fraud in Latin American L change I like but do not completely share. Ecuador finally gives me stories like this every day.

hammerhead shark.

snorkeling off of the silver island.


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