Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hack Version Of Cubefiled

About spinelessness policy

What have the Austrians left not to be excited, as Chancellor he announced to go third in opposition do was unfaithful and took over the chancellorship. But what about today? Only recently was the Secretary of Defense for conscription in stone and now she is no longer timely.
This untimeliness only seems to have defined the Kronen Zeitung, for Mr Darabos be a little strong arguments that one could not refute.
critics are relieved of their duties. A Bankruptcy declaration of competence and assertiveness. Darabos is unfortunately not unique. It is the tip of an iceberg of incompetence and loss of authority suffered by this government. And not only to the SPÖ is meant for the ÖVP has shown that they ask in truth the Lower Austrian provincial governor's permission must do something must.
Whether education policy, defense policy, administrative reform, health reforms, etc. So far this government has actually nothing - absolutely nothing - continue to be related.
This is so disappointing that we hope has been that now stumbles at least one of the lot of his own incompetence. Darabos resignation is actually ripe. What he says, is one of eleven. Tomorrow, everything could be different. What is really with his officers occurred , we will never know because the media (especially the ORF), only his (Darabos) illuminate his view and perspective.

His motivation to reform the army may have been only a squint to favor the voters and the crown newspaper. But the shot might just backfire if it becomes clear that the SPO is just more opportunistic.
This government is driving voters into the arms of a formal Freedom Party.
not believe that I would, the Freedom Party could have been so much better recipes, but I have more fear from having once red / black could finish their work and cruel Austria bled on the ground is. If I remember the incompetence of the then Minister BZÖ, I see no difference between them and the current ministers. The spearhead of the current incompetence seem to form Faymann and Darabos, closely followed by the Vice-Chancellor, who lies to make himself a slave of his uncle from Lower Austria.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Free Kates Playgound Mobile Vids

The SPÖ is the crown after newspaper

can currently be seen with reference to the operations of Defence well as opportunistic and populist, the SPÖ acts. The Krone Zeitung now dictates that has to do the SPÖ. So writes the crown, the newspaper headline "must now pass through Darabos" and the next day, he just makes the defense minister dismisses this Lieutenant General Edmund Entacher, a critic of his reform. Critical people? Something you can not do in a democracy. Darabos has forgotten that he as a minister is only the executive body as well? He is also constitutionally as a minister only following orders. That communication in his own ministry would not work and that the atmosphere is apparently bad, must be well on the guide. From this responsibility, the Minister may steal away little. It is significant that he terminate his colleagues to follow suit. In this form, which has made no defense. Darabos can defend himself only by going through is cracking. (Has he learned during his community service?)

But where the leadership of a Party, the headlines of a newspaper is running behind? Where is the democratic maturity of the Social Democrats, if the supreme administrative apparatus to act opportunistically and are hoping that the Austrians are stupid enough to consider the army and national defense to be just as superfluous as they do. No one would do away with the fire department, only because there is high fire regulations, and therefore it has not fired a long time.

Why abolish the army or hamstring, only because no acute Threat of war is given?
The security, we weigh in, is deceptive.
was twenty years ago the terrorist threat much less.
The impact of the attacks and the aggressiveness of the terrorists today are much higher.
environmental disasters pile up more and have an increasing impact.
Globalization conflicts are imported from distant countries.
The EU proves almost a month on what it is all not prepared and how fragility of this policy is actually built. The claim that we need an army anymore, because we are in the EU is extremely naive and assumes that this EU set in stone. But she is not. It is Austria To give when there will be no EU more time.
But that seems to be responsible and the imagination of Defense and the entire SPÖ blow up. Much prefer to squint to vote, by making the army to a lay force.

But who will volunteer in such large numbers to get the militia system maintained? The Secretary of Defense repeatedly mentioned Sweden as the real thing. But the Swedish Officers are much less enthusiastic about their system as it is Darabos. For they know that it is impossible to inspire so many people for the army, so would sign up enough to the militia. You know that the army will take up human capital that needs to which they would rather do without - hooligans, Nazis, weapons and other fools "trusted" staff to guarantee our security. Thank you, Mr. Minister of Defence, for their security policy. Be sure one day the Austrians will hate their name for it, even if now in the crown of newspaper is quite different. Until the elections, interested in all no more people.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tiger Shark Vs. Powerbilt

What if the reality is that our defense minister considers it impossible.

constantly dreams of While in Austria, the army to save can, because it would be unnecessary anyway yes and Defense Darabos so constantly mentioned that even the threat scenario has changed so much for the better, that we can do with a volunteer militia and a small professional army blows up, the following headline in the army-less dream of a civil servant (Darabos).
The new generation of extremists planning terrorist attacks with nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction. Terror expert warns. The goal were mainly large cities in Europe. (Source:
the games we once thought through.
The "religion of peace" (This is the name of Islam itself) sent us best wishes with a weapon of mass destruction. The ensuing panic is all order expire.
But we citizens need not fear. The Secretary of Defense cares conscientiously our subjective sense of security on the Hungarian-Austrian border. Unfortunately, the few professional soldiers we have now in Chad, Afghanistan or anywhere else where someone needs to be protected from Muslim extremists.
stupid is that the "peace bomb" the power lines and mobile network infrastructure is damaged, so the defense can not reach his militiamen. Thus, the few remaining professional soldiers, volunteers or the 10 - 20 thousand summon militia soldiers, but most likely just be with their families on the run are.
After a week or two then we have half of our militia soldiers ready for duty. This is after all a week earlier than the professional soldiers return from their international operations (The airport's also damaged). The expensive professional soldiers can be put away along with the militias the debris. For much more they can do no more at this time. Survivors there are none left to rescue and care have taken on NGOs and firefighters.
Faymann does not cease to be stressed that the compulsory military service is no longer timely. I wonder however, more often, and contemporary in the Social Democratic Party really is?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Briggs And Stratton Governor Springs Hookups

Red and Orange utopias based on professional military education and debates

After Disskussionssendung of ORF "the center" on army reform (professional army versus conscription) have I get the impression that the Social Democratic Party (and the BZÖ) is the last spark of realism is lost.
particularly appealing I find the argument "that other countries also have a professional army." What does it mean? Others, well Western countries have the death penalty and no one would use it to argue for the death penalty.
Mr Petzner (BZÖ) were in the following argument against conscription and for the abolition of the civil service: Before the year 1975, there have still been no alternative service, so he would not be necessary. That the situation has changed since 1975, something must have escaped him. This means the care needs since 1975 have fallen rapidly and the sustainability of social services must be much more secure today than it was then, otherwise he might give this argument. If not, here is massive Unworldliness diagnose.

Mr. Darabos (Defense SPÖ), who a year ago did not make sense to abolish compulsory military service , says that today. This discussion and his speeches run extensive argumentation free. Supposedly a professional army is cheaper. has however not yet able to explain me, what would be a disaster operation, the advantage of a professional army. If, during flood not sure, it's possible to have a lot of bold and hands available to take a few well-equipped specialist? Or there is an earthquake not matter that as many people dig for buried victims, instead of many professionals have? Is not a core competency of civil protection of the armed forces? Is not the unnecessary management of the Hungarian border with the military service, soldiers expensive enough ? No - it must be even more expensive professionals who sit somewhere in the vegetable and bored all day. In the middle of nowhere (and the subjective sense of security) is not the Minister of Defence too expensive.

procure After mothball the military wing of the army by the demolition of the tanks without the new device, the defense minister is out to destroy the civil defense of the armed forces. For, as is to call an immediate meeting should be ensured in the event of a disaster of a large number of reservists me schleierhaft.Ein professional army, supplemented by a voluntary militia to replace the compulsory military service. rich Some professionals have to that the earth quake, floods and avalanches threaten people conjure etc. As thousands of reservists in the event of a disaster Darabos wants, he has yet to reveal my knowledge.

Oh yes. Then I have a question to the hymn of praise songs to the voluntary social year that now supposedly all young people, which is to date no such thing occurred to make because there is more money.
Why should a voluntary year are cheaper if you pay the volunteers must be more than the Civil servants?
What if it is not enough "volunteers" are? Should we then pay more? (I think you need each year to the 12,000 volunteers.)
What is the benefit of the whole reform is about?
are really all in all, the army and the civil service become cheaper?
I doubt that hard. Rather it seems to me as if it were here to Socialist romance without reference to reality. Man hunts for utopia.
As with the discussion of the comprehensive school. The utopia is: Every child must have the chance to become university doctor. Anything else is anti-social. It does not matter what it costs or whether the benefits are adjusted downward by. The spirit of the times demands it.
It is not so bad if our children end all are stupid and uneducated, but the main thing they all have the same opportunities.
In principle, the two issues are the populism of the ruling parties fell victim. Both are left utopias and both show little sense of reality.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pokemon Diamond And Pearl Ash X Dawn

The sacrilege of Hungary and the politically correct outrage. €

Remember Let us briefly return to the year 2000.
Non-left government came then in Austria to power.
in EUSSR This must not be, therefore, the sanctions decision, and although any serious EU politicians admit today that this was a serious mistake, but now they rise up again on the Hungarian media law. Why? Because it also comes from a non-left government. Because otherwise it is not to say that political influences are everyday since the benefit of the Left Party in the years ORF and the ORF was criticized for never, but political acts are frowned upon by right-wing governments. Logically, however, that the ORF with an outstretched Finger on the supposedly terrible situation in Hungary points. (Was that the Hungarian Socialist predecessor government, the country bein near forced into bankruptcy, does not disturb the ORF so much.)
It's not that I want to defend the Hungarian Media Act, but the ORF is the last institution in this regard should open his mouth. Because what makes each day, the ORF is in the highest degree dangerous to democracy and therefore affordable only because it is compulsory fees.
Why should SPÖ and the Greens the ORF and many newspapers such as NEWS, AUSTRIA, PROFILE and make some of the Kronen Zeitung and no one cares?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pathophysiology Of Cervical Carcinoma

The Dead Calm since Christmas

Before Christmas, we all listened to what a serious Position of € put it.
Then came the feast of Consumer Frenzy (earlier it was Christmas) and from the word crisis or € Portugal heard nothing that surprised me very much.
But my wait has been worthwhile, for there it is again, the first headlines of the Grim Reaper of the euro.

"Portugal is virtually dead"

Why stop there had to, too? It struck me just how many knitting information is suppressed and how targeted we are bombarded with other information in the public channels. Thus the 90 000 leaving the church to celebrate the media or a Muslim, demonstrated against the anti-Christian attacks in Egypt with a cross and the Quran in hand, moved into the big picture. How long ORF has been looking for it, so no one sees. But alas, the ORF a palpable Christians have discovered. In all the editions of the ZIB we could watch it in slow motion.
But back to Portugal. Reality will catch up with us again in 2011. Even if people do not know, so we are simply not a crisis going on. In the long run I do not think the euro can be the answer to the crisis. Especially not when he is acting against the will of the people and Constitution breaks (Lisbon Treaty) is alive. I must admit though that I did not expect that Germany recovered so strong, but I do not think that we should reassure the latest economic data as they can be quickly evaporate. It sounds really unhealthy even if one country's economic backbone a Union. What about France, which sees itself even so much as a super power?
I am assuming that everything that is feared and speculated that sooner or later even occurs. So must break the € once because the screen can not be inflated € indefinitely without conjure up political consequences.
The net payers will not pay for ever and those who take refuge in the reserve system to be overwhelmed by financial constraints. It must therefore come to political unrest that is sooner or later.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nose Drips Clear Liquid

horoscopes and so ...

Yes, folks, I realized the last few days that my chart (see last post), unfortunately, or thankfully, like a friend would say to me, right. Somehow disturbed. The friend, which says thank God that has somehow completely ridiculous views on certain issues, we call it ^ ^ M. ^ ^
Another friend, we call it J, from which we look at the break mobile photos, then J.: On the photo I see of like a N ****. As M says: The photo is full of extremely hot. M is female, what to say ^ ^ That the boys were excited about is anyway clear.
Another example: The Relilehrer said, my character sees through it full of, he thinks that I think like a 16 year old and blablablaa. M. finds the total super hammer, blah blah, I suck finds, because no one could have seen through me, that not even I can.
Another example: M: Have you ever noticed how the stare at your Dekollté? Me: Yes, unfortunately. You: What do you mean unfortunately? Is it fully cool.
No, it is not.
also writes her again what the post was useless ^ ^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can You Store Acid Plawstic

From audacity to call Islamic states in the duty of Muslims

After the devastating attacks in Egypt and once again in Nigeria perpetrated by Muslims against Christians and for which it is composed of the 70 victims, has finally taken the word of the Pope. He has dared to take Islamic states to account and to require them to give up their minorities eight.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry is furious. How can it dare the Pope to demand of us Muslims, tolerance and peaceful? That has to be an interference in internal affairs, then as Muslims we kill the Christians.

We forget too easily today that the entire Middle East, including Egypt was dominated by Christianity and even before the Muslims and Jewish. That the Muslims only too happy to forget, is quite clear, after all, they were the ones who with their "tolerance" all expelled or killed. Remains our Muslims have no other choice than to be outraged about the Pope, who dares to speak out against Islamic terrorism.
Perhaps Egypt again Christian.