Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can You Store Acid Plawstic

From audacity to call Islamic states in the duty of Muslims

After the devastating attacks in Egypt and once again in Nigeria perpetrated by Muslims against Christians and for which it is composed of the 70 victims, has finally taken the word of the Pope. He has dared to take Islamic states to account and to require them to give up their minorities eight.
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry is furious. How can it dare the Pope to demand of us Muslims, tolerance and peaceful? That has to be an interference in internal affairs, then as Muslims we kill the Christians.

We forget too easily today that the entire Middle East, including Egypt was dominated by Christianity and even before the Muslims and Jewish. That the Muslims only too happy to forget, is quite clear, after all, they were the ones who with their "tolerance" all expelled or killed. Remains our Muslims have no other choice than to be outraged about the Pope, who dares to speak out against Islamic terrorism.
Perhaps Egypt again Christian.


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