Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cake Boss Buddy`s Icing Recipe

future of Greece, who pays the bill (and who does not )?

Greece does not create, despite the austerity targets.
The surprise no one but our Finance Minister.
So there are really only a few ways out:
  1. The own people squeeze until it is on the ground and everything is destroyed. (A rebellion and its suppression by undemocratic means is included in this variant.)
  2. Europe takes on the debt or remit it. (In other words, we pay.)
  3. The Greeks voluntarily leave the euro and can save a depreciation of the drachma.
  4. Europe Greece forces to withdraw.
  5. I do not know.
say experts in any case, the proposed treatment austerity is not sufficient to stabilize Greece again. (Source: diePresse.com )
The question is how big can the pressure to save money on their own population be? That the suffering not to be overused, can be seen in the Arab countries.
I'm just wondering what are our politicians tell us then, if you have to admit that the money that we Greece sent, was overdone.
That money, so we all have to tighten our belts, which feel particularly large families. The ÖBB and the ASFINAG continue your deficits and if the Transport Minister Bures announces that the web is to write the black again in 2013, it says more about their incompetence, as the condition of the railway. After all, this bill will have to pay back the taxpayers.
our government seems much more successful in the introduction of quotas for women to be. While this is a great message to feminists. On reforms, the rigor and efficiency of our politics and our economy will change because of anything.
In Austria we think ideological and ideologies can not impose reforms.


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