Friday, February 4, 2011

Tumkur Mallige Blue Film

revolution in Egypt is this: can the matter be?

If one considers the coverage of the ORF is right and morally correct, is clear:
The Egyptian revolution is well and brings the Egyptian people - indeed the world - more freedom and democracy. But where the ORF is actually his hopes?
It is quite clear that after the Mubarak era will create a political vacuum. Nor does hardly an Egyptian think about what will happen after the revolution. Yet they fight for a large target, but soon they will realize that with the expulsion of the dictator, not a single problem is solved. On the contrary.
Radical Islamism is scenting his opportunity. President Hosni Mubarak was a guarantee against the Islamists (who enjoy a lot of influence in Egypt).
Islamism has come to Egypt in a good chance to power - much better odds than democracy.

The young Egyptian men have little future prospects, opportunities and few chances to get married, little education and virtually no experience with democracy.
The social pressure to act in Islam is correct, very large and strongly impedes the process of shaping their own lives.
take no coincidence that the Yemeni dictator already arrangements. The entire Islamic world, Egypt monitored closely. An Arab conflagration would be a tremendous destabilizing the political situation. We imagine, in three or four Islamic countries created Iranian government relations. Instead of seeing more stability in the West many, his hostile Islamic states towards. The polarization of the Arab world against the Western world could then be much stronger than today. A conflagration can not be our wish, but it should be our concern.

Even in Iran there was a revolution, but in the end has not won democracy, but an Islamist regime that oppressed the people just as the band before.
Islam and democracy can not exist harmoniously co. Wherever Islam is gaining strength, the democracy will be weakened.

The fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is not strong enough to form a government of Egypt does not mean that the risk of radicalization would be banned. Both Hamas and Al Qaeda have a major impact on the Egyptians. If the wall Hosni Mubarak has fallen, these extremists will seize their chance. If they do not come to power, they will destabilize the country. Until the resistance and the democracy movement have died. Because that Islam means by "peace."
The recent persecution of Christians in Egypt until the prelude might have been.
As in Iraq, there will be genocide on Christians in Egypt, as in Islam are common to come.
It does not matter whether an Islamic government is in power, or whether there is a political vacuum. In both cases, the Christians will be victims.
But to understand the ORF difficult and probably not popular enough.


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