Monday, January 17, 2011

Briggs And Stratton Governor Springs Hookups

Red and Orange utopias based on professional military education and debates

After Disskussionssendung of ORF "the center" on army reform (professional army versus conscription) have I get the impression that the Social Democratic Party (and the BZÖ) is the last spark of realism is lost.
particularly appealing I find the argument "that other countries also have a professional army." What does it mean? Others, well Western countries have the death penalty and no one would use it to argue for the death penalty.
Mr Petzner (BZÖ) were in the following argument against conscription and for the abolition of the civil service: Before the year 1975, there have still been no alternative service, so he would not be necessary. That the situation has changed since 1975, something must have escaped him. This means the care needs since 1975 have fallen rapidly and the sustainability of social services must be much more secure today than it was then, otherwise he might give this argument. If not, here is massive Unworldliness diagnose.

Mr. Darabos (Defense SPÖ), who a year ago did not make sense to abolish compulsory military service , says that today. This discussion and his speeches run extensive argumentation free. Supposedly a professional army is cheaper. has however not yet able to explain me, what would be a disaster operation, the advantage of a professional army. If, during flood not sure, it's possible to have a lot of bold and hands available to take a few well-equipped specialist? Or there is an earthquake not matter that as many people dig for buried victims, instead of many professionals have? Is not a core competency of civil protection of the armed forces? Is not the unnecessary management of the Hungarian border with the military service, soldiers expensive enough ? No - it must be even more expensive professionals who sit somewhere in the vegetable and bored all day. In the middle of nowhere (and the subjective sense of security) is not the Minister of Defence too expensive.

procure After mothball the military wing of the army by the demolition of the tanks without the new device, the defense minister is out to destroy the civil defense of the armed forces. For, as is to call an immediate meeting should be ensured in the event of a disaster of a large number of reservists me schleierhaft.Ein professional army, supplemented by a voluntary militia to replace the compulsory military service. rich Some professionals have to that the earth quake, floods and avalanches threaten people conjure etc. As thousands of reservists in the event of a disaster Darabos wants, he has yet to reveal my knowledge.

Oh yes. Then I have a question to the hymn of praise songs to the voluntary social year that now supposedly all young people, which is to date no such thing occurred to make because there is more money.
Why should a voluntary year are cheaper if you pay the volunteers must be more than the Civil servants?
What if it is not enough "volunteers" are? Should we then pay more? (I think you need each year to the 12,000 volunteers.)
What is the benefit of the whole reform is about?
are really all in all, the army and the civil service become cheaper?
I doubt that hard. Rather it seems to me as if it were here to Socialist romance without reference to reality. Man hunts for utopia.
As with the discussion of the comprehensive school. The utopia is: Every child must have the chance to become university doctor. Anything else is anti-social. It does not matter what it costs or whether the benefits are adjusted downward by. The spirit of the times demands it.
It is not so bad if our children end all are stupid and uneducated, but the main thing they all have the same opportunities.
In principle, the two issues are the populism of the ruling parties fell victim. Both are left utopias and both show little sense of reality.


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