Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pokemon Diamond And Pearl Ash X Dawn

The sacrilege of Hungary and the politically correct outrage. €

Remember Let us briefly return to the year 2000.
Non-left government came then in Austria to power.
in EUSSR This must not be, therefore, the sanctions decision, and although any serious EU politicians admit today that this was a serious mistake, but now they rise up again on the Hungarian media law. Why? Because it also comes from a non-left government. Because otherwise it is not to say that political influences are everyday since the benefit of the Left Party in the years ORF and the ORF was criticized for never, but political acts are frowned upon by right-wing governments. Logically, however, that the ORF with an outstretched Finger on the supposedly terrible situation in Hungary points. (Was that the Hungarian Socialist predecessor government, the country bein near forced into bankruptcy, does not disturb the ORF so much.)
It's not that I want to defend the Hungarian Media Act, but the ORF is the last institution in this regard should open his mouth. Because what makes each day, the ORF is in the highest degree dangerous to democracy and therefore affordable only because it is compulsory fees.
Why should SPÖ and the Greens the ORF and many newspapers such as NEWS, AUSTRIA, PROFILE and make some of the Kronen Zeitung and no one cares?


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